Crooked or damaged teeth not only create chewing difficulties but also affect smiles. Restorative dentistry is an effective treatment for restoring damaged teeth. Whether your tooth is partially or entirely damaged, restorative options help to prevent further damage.
At least once in a lifetime, most people undergo restorative procedures, whether in the form of dental implants, crowning, or cavity filling. Depending on the severity of tooth damage, restorative dentistry in Dedham, MA, provides the best treatment to correct teeth problems.
An overview of restorative dentistry
Restorative dentistry comprises a range of dental procedures to replace or repair damaged teeth. The primary objective of restorative treatment is to enhance chewing function and promote oral health. General dentists are responsible for carrying out restorative dental procedures to reinstate tooth function.
Numerous procedures, including veneers, dentures, bridges, crowns, and implants, are available to preserve the natural functionality of teeth.
When do you need restorative dentistry?
Restorative dentistry stands as a premier to maintain oral health. Your dentist might advise you on restorative dentistry if you encounter any of the following issues:
- Broken teeth
- Tooth decay
- Fractured tooth
- Tooth cavity
- Missing teeth
- Chewing difficulties
- Chipped teeth
- Loss of tooth due to a medical condition
What are the different types of restorative dental procedures?
Dentists perform numerous restorative dental procedures to address oral health issues. These procedures include:
- Dental Fillings: The method is most suitable to fill cavities that develop when bacteria damage enamel, creating a hole. A biochemical material is used to fill the cavity and prevent further damage.
- Dental Crowns: A dental crown is a restorative method to repair broken teeth and large cavities. Dentists remove damaged enamel and place a dental crown on the tooth for the procedure.
- Bridges: The dental bridge replaces missing teeth or single teeth. Artificial teeth with a dental crown with a cap are inserted on either side to fill the gap.
- Root Canal Therapy: Root canal treatment is employed When the crack and cavity extend to the pulp region. In the dental procedure, your dentist removes the damaged pulp, blood vessels, and nerves and fills it with gutta-percha, a dental material.
- Dental Implants: The procedure involves the replacement of tooth roots or complete teeth. A titanium screw is inserted inside the jawbone, and a crown is attached to the top.
Restorative dental procedure benefits
Restorative dentistry provides a wide range of significance, such as:
- Improve chewing
- Restore healthy smiles
- Reduces tooth pain
- Eliminate the risk of dental problems
- Improve oral health
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